
Friday, November 29, 2013

Convert Windows 7 in Android Mobiles

Currently, the use of the smart phone is getting better, especially Android, an open source operating system that's easy for Android users can change everything on Android.
Also recently, Android users opioids called CAUG test charging Convert Windows 7 ISO test running successfully on Android. And for Windows 7, which runs on Android features remarkable that we were able to install the file type * .exe had more, but it depends on the level of RAM your phone. And now, well, user groups Android opioids Cambodia would like to show how to Convert Windows 7 onto Android.
-must have Window7.iso or DVD as Windows 7
-Download Qemu Manager for Computer
-Download Bochs for Computer
-Download  Bochs.apk for Android smart phone
And install the application l downloaded all of the above in your Computer
*How to Convert
-Go to STAT - Allprograms - Bochs 2.6.2 - Disk Image Creation Tool
then it pop up Creat File C.img (Window)
-click hd
-click flat
-Select file size of Windows that you want to use in Windows 7 .it's size 3GB .we must set 3000M
-then write C.img

 and then open Qemu Manager
-click "+" red color for Creat Windows .Go to C.img that has been created.
Named Windows example: CAUG-Windows7
Put 512 RAM, 1GB or 2GB of your requirements
-Drive Type : Qcow (QEMU Image Format)
-Hardware Type: Standard 32Bit PC (0.9.0) QMQC
Go to Drives
-Hard Disk 0 (find C.img in  C:\Program Files\Bochs-2.6.2)
-CD-ROM Image File find Window.iso that downloaded.
-Boot From CD-ROM set it to YES 
 and then Run Machine
 wait until finished.
 and then Copy C.img to Folder SDL that has been Download
-copy Foler SDL to your phone
-then Boch in your phone, it will  Boot to Window 7
Admin (Xperia Z) 

Resource C.A.U.G


  1. Have problems to install Bochs 2.6.2. May you sent file setup to this address:
    Thank You!

  2. i don't how to use Bochs 2.6.2. can you show me step by step?
